5 brilliant ways to use how to clean white socks

Surely your mother once told you: ‘Do not walk barefoot with clean socks, which then is impossible to put back white.’ The last thing we want is to contradict your mother, but you should know that it is not so impossible, at least if you follow these simple tips. we need to know how to clean white socks.

 6 infallible tricks to use how to clean white socks.

 Whiten your socks with lemon

If you have a lemon at home (something highly probable), you have no excuse to take dirty socks. Thanks to its acidity, you can not only stop the stains but also the bad smell.

For this home cleaning remedy, put some warm water in a basin and add detergent. Next, add a few drops of lemon and introduce the socks. Make sure they are completely submerged in the water so that all stains are removed. Leave them inside for half an hour, rinse them and let them dry.

 Bicarbonate to put them back white

You can get a thousand and one uses different from bicarbonate, including bleaching dirty socks.

To make your socks look new again, put them in a basin of warm water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Leave them for half an hour inside. You can brush over the spots to make sure they are white again. Avoid too hot water because your socks could lose elasticity.

Water and salt, it’s that easy

If over time your socks have blackened or had yellow spots caused by sweat, take good note of this home remedy so simple to apply.

Pour enough water in a bowl, about 1 liter, and add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Remove well and insert the socks that you want to recover. Leave them inside for half an hour and before putting them to dry rinse them so that the salt remains.

Your socks need a good brushing

Yes, what you read. Sometimes socks also need to be brushed. You can use a brush for clothes, which you can buy in any store, or use an old toothbrush that you have at home. Before putting the sock in the washing machine, thoroughly brush the soiled areas with a little laundry detergent diluted in water. Insist until you begin to notice that the spots disappear. And ready!

 Vinegar to have white socks

how to clean white socks

The vinegar can become your best ally to return all the freshness to your socks. Not only will it help you to be white again, but it will also eliminate all bad odors and leave the fabric very soft.

To make this trick work you must take a basin and fill it with water neither too hot nor too cold. Take a splash of white vinegar (because other types of vinegar can leave stains) in the water and stir well. Dip the socks in the tub for half an hour. Once this time has passed, remove them and pass a brush wet in detergent for the most complicated spots. And ready!

 And if they are not removed, use bleach or bleach

In the supermarkets and stores, you can find small bottles of bleach or bleach that will help you get rid of all the stains that have not gone away so far. Follow the instructions on the package to know how to properly apply the product.

Using bleach or bleach is easy, but also more expensive than previous solutions. In addition, some of these beauty products are too strong for some tissues that can be damaged.

Tricks to wash the rest of the clothes

  • And to get rid of all the dirt in your clothes, take note of these tips for the washing machine. There will be no stain that will resist you!
  • When you have to wash very delicate clothes, such as lingerie or your favorite shirt, put them in a bag before putting them in the washing machine. If you do not have a cloth bag by hand, use a pillowcase.
  • So that your new jeans do not fade, wash them backward.
  • If you want your clothes to spoil less in the washing machine, use detergents with fewer chemicals, such as those that are fragrance-free or neutral. They tend to be more delicate with clothes.
  •  As soon as you finish the washing machine, strain it to prevent the proliferation of bacteria, so friendly to moisture.
  • If someone in your family tends to be very allergic, do not store clothes on the street. Pollen could deposit in the tissues and aggravate its symptoms. However, you should also be concerned when it comes to laying indoors since it will create more moisture in your home.

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