To sit or to stand: the office desk dilemma

The health authorities have spoken and told us that we should be spending 150 minutes every week doing exercise. For those of us who work at a desk, we’re sitting down for more than half of the day. In fact, sitting down has been linked to heart disease and cancer, which is why so many businesses are changing their offices.

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If you’re thinking about changing your office space, you may want to consider whether standing or sitting desks are the way forward. We’ve put together a guide on how to help you solve the dilemma of which desk is the right one for your office space.

Should You Get A Standing Or Sitting Office Desk?

When you talk to office fit out companies, you will be faced with the dilemma of choosing what type of desks you want. If you’re looking at standing desks as an option, you’ll need to know a bit about them. Their height can be set and adjusted so it increases movement throughout the work day.

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Having the option from office fit out companies to have these height-adjustable desks reduces the amount of aches and pains your employees may have and improves productivity. A traditional sitting desk has a lot more options and will come in at a cheaper price. However, they don’t offer as many benefits as a standing desk does for employees.

Are Standing Desks Better Than Sitting Desks?

Traditional office desks coupled with a supportive chair are still the most popular solution for most offices. Before long, however, your back may start to ache. The great thing about a standing desk is that its height is adjustable. This means the amount of time you are spending sitting down is significantly reduced. Talk to office fit out companies to make sure you make the right choice for your office space.

The Main Advantages Of Standing Desks

For employees, a standing desk means fewer problems with health and chronic pain. For the company, a standing desk can increase an employee’s performance and motivation, all of which are very positive outcomes for everybody involved. Having a happier employee means they will be a lot more satisfied in their job and their output of work will be to a higher standard.

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