Delight yourself with these beautiful photographs of the bride and groom dance with which you will follow the rhythm even if you can not listen to the music.
The bride’s dance has always been my favorite part of a wedding. Regardless of the music that played in the background, I’ve always liked to be in the front row to not miss detail.
There are those who forget everything. They forget that they are surrounded and that they are the focus of all eyes. They forget that the world turns to stop time. Here and now, now and always.
There are some who do not know how to dance and where to start moving on foot. But what does it matter, Frida Kahlo would think when she wrote “feet, why do I want you if I have wings to fly?”
There are those that melt in the eyes. And without saying a single word, a whole declaration of intentions has been proclaimed. How lucky mine, pretty.
There are those who do not choose a waltz, like us, who opted for a song by Charles Trenet (La Mer) that we could dance all our lives in the kitchen barefoot. Or in the field. In all the scenarios of our life.
There are some who can not resist. So close, so special, I would eat you with nice kisses of those with whom time stops. Kissing someone when what you really want is to kiss them all their lives. Indescribable.
Oh and when they dance with their father. And he dies of pride, happiness and sorrow at the same time. Godfather, your little daughter has grown up.
And yes, if I like something about the bride and groom’s dance, it’s watching the people who join to dance with them. Some remember that dance holding hands tightly-who could go back and live that moment again. Everyone is welcome on the dance floor.
I would dance with you without music and in pajamas, on any Sunday in the morning. I would dance with you to our rhythm, our life, wherever the soul of our feet takes us.