Make your Money go Further When you are a Student

Being a student can be difficult, and many students struggle with finances. If you are wanting to make your money, go further, here are some of the things that you can do as a student that might help you with that…

Be Smart with Food – Food is something that is essential to being healthy, and it is also something that can end up costing you a fortune if you are not aware of how best to manage your food shopping.

Firstly, buying takeaways and eating out a lot is going to eat into your budget, as well as being a much more unhealthy option. The best way to manage your food budget is to get all of your housemates to put into it equally and then you can afford to batch cook healthy meals.

Buy Second Hand When You Can – Buying second hand is a great way to save money. As well as books and resources that you need for your course, you can also buy cheap laptops like this that have been refurbished which is a lot cheaper than buying brand new.

Look into Student Discounts – There are lots of discounts available for students for all sorts of things. From your favourite clothes shops to travelling on the trains, it is worth looking into what you are eligible for as this can help you save a lot of money on what you need to buy.

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