How to Improve Your Website’s UX

A positive user experience or UX is crucial to a website’s success. It will promote engagement, resulting in a greater conversion to sales. If you are designing or updating your website, finding ways to improve the UX can boost the chances of success.

Good Navigation

The navigation of the site should be easy and intuitive. If customers can’t easily find what they are looking for, they will likely leave. Home should be the first link of the navigation menu and contact the last. Other items should follow logically and be in a clear, easy-to-read font.

Loading Speeds

People do not like to be kept waiting, and if you have a slow loading speed, they may go elsewhere. Make sure you are on a speedy hosting service. If that does not solve the problem, look for content like animations and plugins that may be slowing the site down, removing anything that isn’t essential. A good website designer should be able to help you create a page that looks good without slowing down loading speeds. To find a designer, use a relevant search term for your region like web design Exeter and you should get plenty of options such as

Be Mobile-Friendly

A website that looks great on a PC doesn’t automatically look good on other screens such as mobile phones. And with shopping from a phone reaching an all-time high, this is not a problem you want. So make sure buttons on a mobile screen are user-friendly, that fonts can be easily read and that images are resized for a positive UX.

User-Friendly Forms

It is a good idea to have a form so customers and potential customers can easily contact you. To make it user-friendly, limit the number of required fields. Particularly do not make a phone number mandatory. Make sure it is readable with it being clear what goes in each field. Do not be tempted to use a captcha, as these can be hard to use. If you do have problems with spam, use an invisible captcha.

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