How to yarn bomb and brighten your community

Yarn bombing is one of the latest trends when trying to make sometimes grey urban areas look bright and colourful. It is not difficult to do and can be an easy way to bring a smile to anyone who passes by.

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What is yarn bombing?

Technically, yarn bombing is a type of street art. Yes, that puts it in a similar category to graffiti, only instead of painting walls and other surfaces, you are covering them in yarn. There is even an International Yarn Bombing Day. Yarn bombing does not cause any damage, and can easily be removed.

Finding a Spot

If you want to try yarn bombing, first you need to find an appropriate location. It is probably best to go close to home, and you need to check with local authorities to ensure you are not trespassing on private land. Consider whether there are openings, such as on a fence, to help you attach the piece. If you are wrapping something like a streetlight, you will need something to hold the yarn in place.


You need to take plenty of measurements on-site to ensure your piece will be the right size and shape. Decide on your preferred fibre art (such as knitting or crocheting), pick out your colour and sketch out your design. Gather any materials and equipment, such as DK yarn.

Make Your Piece

Use your measurements and patterns to create your piece, being as careful and precise and possible. You should already have all your equipment, including any DK yarn, to hand, so you can concentrate on completing the work.


Nighttime is traditional if you want to remain anonymous, but it is clearly easier to see what you are doing during daylight hours. Make sure you have any equipment you need to attach your yarn properly (this could include a ladder), then take a moment to admire your work.

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It is not difficult to yarn bomb. Just make sure you plan and prepare properly before creating and installing your piece. Your local area could soon have a welcome new look.

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