What are the UK’s key drainage and wastewater issues?

There seems to be a new story in our media every week about sewage being allowed to pump into our lakes and rivers or the flooding of roads, homes, and fields due to blocked drains. What is causing these serious problems?
Outdated system

Sky News reports that if we were to redesign our drainage systems today, we wouldn’t use the same model as when they were built in Victorian times. We currently have what is called a combined system, whereby both rainwater and sewage flow into the same drains and sewers. This is what causes flooding and the overspilling of sewage into our rivers and seas when we get bursts of heavy rainfall, as the system can’t cope with the sheer amount of water.

Poor maintenance

Older pipes made of materials that only have a limited life span and haven’t been properly looked after mean that blockages occur, leading to cracks and corrosion and causing flooding.

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If you are a property owner or a property manager who is responsible for an older building, you can carry out a CCTV drain survey to assess the state of your drainage system. These offer a comprehensive view of the interior of pipes using a camera, meaning you can be well-informed before making any decisions about repairs.

For those looking for a CCTV drain survey Leicester, specialist companies such as https://www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/drainage-services-cctv-surveys-midlands/cctv-drain-surveys/cctv-drain-surveys-leicester/ have the equipment and experience to carry these out.

Water companies

As seen in the news, privatised water companies have not been severely punished for allowing their sewage systems to get into this state and sewage to escape into rivers and seas. The systems need a massive overhaul, which will come at a huge cost to the companies and eventually the consumer.

Environmental factors

With a rapidly changing climate and regular storms bringing strong winds and rain, there is even more pressure on our sewage system. Uprooted trees cause damage to pipework, and sudden bursts of water in certain areas mean councils and water companies face yet more problems that they will have to deal with rapidly.

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